Download Writter - Minimal Membership & Subscription Ghost Theme
By electronthemes
8 sales
Writter is a minimalist ghost theme crafted for influencers, blogger, author and infopreneurs. With a focus on crisp typography and unique styling, Analogue will highlight your content beautifully and communicate an authentic and high-quality brand to your readers.
- Dark, Light and Auto Mode
- Ghost 4.x and 5.x Support
- Responsive design
- SEO friendly
- Multiple blog layouts
- Newsletter Subscription
- Custom tag list page
- Custom Author page
- Contact page
- Well Documentation
- Ghost PRO support
- Portfolio Custom page
- Slide Navbar
- Real-Time Search
- Featured posts slider
- 3 Single post Layout
- 404 error page
- Paid post preview
- NFT Card
- Toggle Card
- Callout Card
- Header Card
- Header card improvements feature
- Product Card
- Button Card
- Image Card
- Video Card
- Audio Card
- Gallery Card
- Custom Settings Post, Homepage, Site-wide
- Ghost Native comment
- Ghost Native search
- Multiple fonts support
Lots of blog layouts to choose from. All work with or without the featured slider and sidebar.- Featured posts
- Grid posts
- Full posts
- Excerpt posts
- Grid portfolio posts
Members & subscriptions
- Custom membership page
- Custom sign-in page
- Custom sign-up page
- Custom Call-to-Action in post for member
- Custom Call-to-Action in post for paid-member
- Membership Tiers
- Pricing tables in custom account and membership page
Payment testing
Genuine card information cannot be used in test mode. Instead, use any of the following test card numbers.Includes
- Documentation and Theme files
- Access to our help center and email support
Friendly email support*- Access to our help center
- Automatic theme updates
- Fonts: Montserrat, Libre Baskerville
- Image: Unplash
* ADDED: Header card improvements feature * Removed all deprecated code * Small css issues fixed and improvement performance [+] CHANGED FILES assets/css/style.css partials/hero.hbs partials/navigation.hbs partials/footer-scripts.hbs page.hbs package.jsonVERSION – 4.5.2: Released on 29 May 2023
* ADDED: Added FX Light box gallery image view feature * FIXED: Image height issues for home page * Removed all deprecated code * Small css issues fixed and improvement performance [+] CHANGED FILES assets/css/style.css .github/workflows/deploy-theme.yml partials/post-card.hbs partials/featured-slider.hbs partials/content.hbs partials/footer-scripts.hbs partials/members/pricing-tables/plan-paid.hbs partials/social-share.hbs custom-portfolio.hbs custom-account.hbs custom-membership.hbs page.hbs default.hbs package.json [-] REMOVED FILES: partials/comments/cove-comment.hbs partials/comments/disqus-comment.hbs partials/members/pricing-tables/plan-monthly.hbsVERSION – 4.5.1: Released on 12 November 2022
* FIXED: Fixed dark light issues for Dark devices * FIXED: Blockquote background issues * ADDED: Website URL icon for authors * Small css issues fixed [+] CHANGED FILES assets/css/theme.css assets/scss/theme.scss assets/scss/_bookmark.scss assets/scss/_content.scss assets/scss/_dark-version.scss assets/scss/_typography.scss assets/scss/_variables.scss assets/scss/_author.scss assets/scss/_membership.scss author.hbs partials/author-box.hbs partials/members/visibility-content.hbs package.jsonVERSION – 4.5.0: Released on 24 October 2022
* ADDED: Multiple font support * UPDATED: Bookmark issues resolved * FIXED: Author pages issues fixed when no profile image * FIXED: Overlay added for profile image on Authors page * Small css issues fixed [+] CHANGED FILES assets/css/theme.css assets/scss/theme.scss default.hbs index.hbs package.json custom-authors.hbs author.hbs partials/comments/cove-comment.hbs partials/comments/disqus-comment.hbs partials/hero.hbs partials/navigation.hbs partials/footer-scripts.hbs partials/comments/cove-comment.hbs [+] NEWLY ADDED FILE partials/google-fonts.hbs [-] REMOVED FILE partials/members/notification.hbs partials/notifications.hbsVERSION – 4.4.0: Released on 23 August 2022
* ADDED: Ghost Native Comment Support * ADDED: Ghost Native Search Support * ADDED: Contact form endpoint option in dashboard * Small css issues fixed [+] CHANGED FILES assets/css/theme.css assets/scss/_header.scss assets/scss/_typography.scss partials/content.hbs partials/header.hbs partials/related_posts.hbs custom-contact.hbs package.json [+] NEWLY ADDED FILE partials/comments/native-comments.hbsVERSION – 4.3.0: Released on 04 June 2022
* Added Support for Ghost 5.0 * Removed all deprecated code * Small css issues fixed * Updated English translation file [+] CHANGED FILES assets/scss/_membership.scss assets/scss/_header.scss assets/css/theme.css partials/members/pricing-tables/plan-free.hbs partials/members/pricing-tables/plan-monthly.hbs partials/members/pricing-tables/plan-yearly.hbs partials/social-share.hbs custom-membership.hbs custom-account.hbs partials/footer-scripts.hbs default.hbs package.json locales/en.json [+] NEWLY ADDED FILE assets/js/matchHeight.jsVERSION – 4.2.0: Released on 03 January 2022
* Performance updated * CARD Assets added * NFT Card Added * Product Card * Header Card * Toggle Card * Button Card * Callout Card * CSS styles added * Custom Settings option added on Design Most of the code files changed. It will be better if you install updates on your siteVERSION – 3.1.0: Release on 23 Sept 2020
[+] Dark Version addedCHANGED FILES [+] partials/post-navigation.hbs [+] partials/social-share.hbs [+] partials/search-result.hbs [+] partials/post-navigation.hbs [+] partials/post-card.hbs [+] partials/custom-images.hbs [+] members/visibility-content.hbs [+] members/subscriber-information.hbs [+] members/pricing-tables/plan-yearly.hbs [+] members/pricing-tables/plan-monthly.hbs [+] members/pricing-tables/plan-free.hbs [+] members/notification.hbs [+] members/free-subscriber-information.hbs [+] locales/en.json [+] default.hbs [+] custom-portfolio.hbs [+] post.hbs [+] author.hbs [+] page.hbs [+] package.json [+] assets/scss/_variables.scss [+] assets/scss/_typography.scss [+] assets/scss/_tags.scss [+] assets/scss/_slider.scss [+] assets/scss/_search-result.scss [+] assets/scss/_responsive.scss [+] assets/scss/_push-back-menu.scss [+] assets/scss/_post-card.scss [+] assets/scss/_portfolio.scss [+] assets/scss/_page-cover.scss [+] assets/scss/_membership.scss [+] assets/scss/_hero.scss [+] assets/scss/_header.scss [+] assets/scss/_gallery.scss [+] assets/scss/_fonts.scss [+] assets/scss/_errorPage.scss [+] assets/scss/_content.scss [+] assets/scss/_bookmark.scss [+] assets/scss/_authors.scss [+] assets/scss/_typography.scss [+] assets/scss/_responsive.scss [+] assets/css/theme.css [+] assets/js/scripts.js [+] assets/js/single.js ADDED NEW FILES [+] partials/icons/copy.hbs [+] LazyLoad JSVERSION – 3.0.2: Release on 18 Aug 2020
[+] Dark Version added CHANGED FILES [+] _variables.scss [+] All SCSS files [+] custom-portfolio.hbs [+] minor changes all other files ADDED NEW FILES [+] partials/icons/moon.hbs [+] partials/icons/sun.hbs [+] partials/members/free-subscriber-information.hbs [+] partials/members/subscriber-information.hbs [+] partials/members/notification.hbs [+] partials/members/visibility-content.hbs [+] partials/members/pricing-tables/plan-free.hbs [+] partials/members/pricing-tables/plan-monthly.hbs [+] partials/members/pricing-tables/plan-yearly.hbs [+] partials/discus/disqus-comment.hbs [+] _dark-version.scss [+] partials/icons/dark.hbs [+] partials/icons/light.hbs [+] custom-contact.hbs [+] custom-account.hbs [+] custom-membership.hbs [+] custom-signin.hbs [+] custom-signup.hbs [+] fuse.min.js DELETED FILES [-] routes.yaml [-] account.hbs [-] signin.hbs [-] signup.hbs [-] Ghost-finded.min.jsVERSION – 3.0.1: Release on 09 April 2020
------------------ New Features ------------------ - Pricing table for membership - Signin page - Signup page - Paid post feature - Member only post feature - Secondary Menu ------------------ Fixed: issues ------------------ - Style guide issues fixed - post card styleVERSION – 1.0.0: Release on 03 May 2019
[+] Initial Release
I cannot upload the theme to Ghost s the current format. See the following errors:
1. Your theme must have a template file called index.hbs.
Read here more about the required template structure and index.hbs in particular.
2. Your theme must have a template file called index.hbs.
Read here more about the required template structure and post.hbs in particular.
2 years ago
I recorded a video how you can install your downloaded theme file. Please check and let me know.
2 years ago
So I was searching for themes for a website. This shows up and i'm reading how this isn't really a theme? What is a ghost platform? I'm not sure what I can do with this. I don't think your ghost theme should show up when a search for wordpress theme is used. It's misleading..
3 years ago
Please follow this in the product description:
3 years ago
How do you remove 'related posts' and 'author' from bottom of posts?
3 years ago
Thank you for using our product. You can edit the theme file to remove related articles and author card.
1. Removing Related articles: Open <strong>post.hbs</strong> file and remove this part
2. Removing Author Card: Open <strong>content.hbs</strong> file and remove this part
Please let me know if you need help.
3 years ago
Thank you this worked perfectly! One last question, how do I change the font color for links? I find the default link color very faint so wanted a brighter one like red?
Very impressed with the template, works great on all browsers and mobile devices. By far the best Ghost theme I have purchased.
3 years ago
Thank you so much for your appreciation.
Which link color do you want to change? Could you please send me a screenshot?
You can do it in 2 ways. 1. You can change from <code>Settings > Code Injection</code> 2. You can edit SCSS file from theme file.
How do you want?
3 years ago
You can watch this video how you can change link color:
3 years ago
Thank you for the video, this will be useful as I customize the site.
The exact issue I am facing is the links that occur in natural posts and pages. An example is below:
3 years ago
Please use this css in your code injection. It will change the color of the links of your post details page to red. You can change the color code with yours.
<code>.content-wrapper p a { color: red;}</code>
Please give me 5 star ratings and good feedback for the product. Your feedback will help me a lot.
3 years ago
Can I get a refund for transaction 158106946? It's a Ghost theme. Thought it was a WordPress theme. Have no use for it.
3 years ago
This is Ghost theme and clearly mentioned. Mistakenly purchase is not refundable. Please read the description
3 years ago
No worries. I'll share with the Ghost community. Perhaps someone else can make use of it.
3 years ago
Great Work,Congratulations GLWS :)
3 years ago
Thank you so much
3 years ago
Nice work! Good luck!
3 years ago
Thank you so much
3 years ago
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Price is in US dollars and excludes tax
File Name | |
Last Update | 20 September 2023 |
Published | 17 January 2022 |
Category | Blogging |
Columns | 2 |
Compatible Browsers | IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge |
Compatible Software | Ghost 4.x.x, Other |
Compatible With | Bootstrap 4.x |
Documentation | Well Documented |
High Resolution | Yes |
Layout | Responsive |
Themeforest Files Included | HBS Files, CSS Files, SCSS Files, JS Files |
Tags | blog, blogging, clean, creative, dark, elegant, ghost, magazine, minimal, modern, newsletter, personal, personal blog, portfolio, typography |